MICE PhotoAlbum

[PHOTO NEWS] Baikal INNOTECH 2016 seminar

Baikal INNOTECH 2016 seminar organized by Eurastech n IRNTU supported by Foundation for Intl Tech ...

2019년 NTB기술이전설명회(화학, 에너지, 국토교통, 국방) 현장

2019년 9월 14일 서울 코엑스 컨퍼런스룸에서 2019년 NTB 기술이전설명회가 개최되었습니다. 화학, 국방, 에너지, 국토교통분야 관련 ...

Thank you letter from ITMO university for Eurastech CEO

Thank you letter we got from ITMO university for Eurastech CEO presentation on technology transfer ...

Letter of Gratitude to Eurastech by SPb Polytechnical University

Letter of Gratitude to Eurastech by SPb Polytechnical University for Innomed conference (March 6,2015) organization ...

'15.3.6(fri) INNOMED-2015

Photos of events and conferences in Russia, Korea and other countries organized by EurasTech Corp.

NTB biotech n medical seminar

2014년11월13일(목) NTB바이오메디컬 기술이전 설명회가 '산업기술 R&D 기술사업화 우수성과 발표회'와 함께 진행되었습니다.

32nd ISTC "Sustainable energy policy through digital innovations: synergy of ...

32nd ISTC "Sustainable energy policy through digital innovations: synergy of energy efficiency and renewable energy" ...

201410 Korea-Russia Technology Matchmaking in SPB

Korea-Russia Technology Matchmaking was held in St.Petersburg on Oct 8 by Eurastech Corp. with several ...